
(updated 05/06//24)

Some recent additions & recommendations:

A 45 min virtual concert of my music put together
for the National College of Music, London in January 2021:

3 Minutes of your Time A short, easy piece for flute and piano, written for Justine on her birthday video (May 2024)
"60" A happy little piece for Flute & Piano
Written for the 60th wedding anniversary of my parents video (October 2023)
Organ Postlude on Angel Voices (Angel Voices Ever Singing) video (Jan 2024)
Organ Epiphany Waltz (Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning) video (Jan 2024)
Bach 2 part inventions COMPLETE
Easy pieces 1to5 Flute sonata
InstInterludes1 Anniversary Waltz

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