Choral Works - a collection of anthems /
liturgical music for choir by Simon Peberdy.
those wanting to browse everything before
purchasing multiple copies of
single pieces for choir use, this collection can be purchased as a
single item This 184 page collection contains 44 of the choral pieces
written during Simon's time in Maria Alm, Austria between 2011 and
201it doesn't include compositions from 2018 onwards)). Some are in
English, some in German, and some in Latin.
It contains works in "traditional" style as well as
pieces for rhythmical choir and ladies' choir. (Simon Peberdy's songs
for children's choir and his instrumental pieces are not included).
Follow the link for more information. |
Choral Works - a collection of anthems /
liturgical music for choir by Simon Peberdy.
For "traditional" choir. For those wanting to browse some pieces before
purchasing multiple copies of
single pieces for choir use, this collection can be purchased as a
single item. It
contains the followng pieces:
in E (June
2013) in Latin - Video
(Leogang) Westfälischer Kammerchor
Lord's My Shepherd, I shall not want (Psalm 23) - Video, Salzburg
Cathedral, Video
(Leogang) Westfälischer Kammerchor 
2016 in Latin - Video (Leogang) Westfälischer Kammerchor
96 Sing
to the Lord a New Song 
121 I will lift up mine eyes 
Sancte Spritus (SATB March 2018)
Creator Spiritus (SATB, March 2018)
deinem Tisch sind wir geladen / Gabenbereitung 
wenn du
uns segnest, or Lord,
gentle blessing draws us close to you 
Lamb of God
Lord's My Shepherd, I shall not want (Psalm 23) (SATB &
piano/organ, May 2016) 
"This is a very heartfelt
setting of
the words of the 23rd Psalm. The
text has been treated with careful attention to the natural stresses of
the words and the vocal lines are interesting and grateful to sing. I
was particularly struck by the imaginative use of varied phrase lengths
that give a welcome rhythmic life to the words. A lovely motet that any
choir would enjoy performing" (Andrew Wilson, award winning
composer and Director of Studies,
National College of Music, London.
piece was a finalist in a choral competition run by the American music
publishers, Hal Leonard in 2016. The feedback from the jury
included "lilting
sacred choral piece with good ebbs and flows in dynamics to add
expression and meaning to the always comforting and familiar words of
the 23rd Psalm", "Very
accessible for church choirs, yet very beautiful
melody. Would be an emotional piece well suited for Lent, funerals,
graduations, or normal Sunday worship. ","Church choral directors would
love to purchase this since it’s melodic yet learnable", "Very
applicable piece for any church choir".
Written in April 2016 for the Roland Rasser, Dechant at Saalfelden..
Premiered 28/08/16 in Saalfelden. Performed at a mass in Salzburg
Cathedral (Video,
Salzburg Cathedral)
on 23/04/17. Another video, this time of the Westfälischer Kammerchor
Iserlohn, in Leogang: Video (Leogang) |

Mass in D, for the
Consort, Saalfelden (up to 8
parts), Saalfelden (Dec
2011) (premiere 26.02.12)
An accessible mass setting (in Latin) for most
church choirs, and one that that falls lightly on the ears.
in B minor (revamped in October 2015)
in A (8 voice choir) (not yet
in D
Dei |
Kinderchorsammlung / Songs for Children's
Neue 2-stimmige Kirchenlieder for Kinderchor mit
Gitarre/Klavierbegleitung, manche auch mit Blockflötenstimmen. Mit
deutschem Text, manche auch auf Englisch.
18 New, easy church songs for children's choir, in German, but some
with English versions. With piano/guitar accompadniment and some with
recorder parts.
Kinderchor songs Youtube playlist (doesn't contain all of them)

96 Sing
to the Lord a New Song (for SATB choir June 2017) 
earlier version was premiered by the Consort in Saalfelden, 02.10.16,
then the piece was radically overhauled and re-written in June 2017 |

Sancte Spritus (SATB March 2018)
A setting of this Latin Pentecost text, commissioned by the
"Liturgischer Consort, Saalfelden) |

Creator Spiritus (SATB, March 2018)
A second Pentecost anthem, commissioned by the "Liturgischer Consort,
Saalfelden |

2016 - Video
(Leogang) (in Latin, for SATB choir, May 2016)
Written for the Consort in Saalfelden, although the first performance
was by the Westfälischer Kammerchor Iserlohn 28/07/17. Revised 2018.

Blessing in Disguise (6 part SSATTB) (June 2011) 
A humorous slant on the more traditional Irish blessings, Written for
the 50th birthday of a local choir director in Saalfelden. (Premiered
18.09.11) |

Turkeys (6 part SSATTB) (Aug 2010) 
Another humorous close harmony song for the festive season. The text is
a non-religious
Christmas one. (Premiered by The Crowle Singers, 09.12.11).
Turkeys performance |

Veni Emmanuel (6 part SSATTB) (Aug 2010)
A modern setting of this well-known Advent text. First performance by
Cantaturi, 11.12.10. |

Thou Redeemer (6
part SSATTB) (Aug 2010) 
An Advent text and a melody by Praetorius that is centuries old, but
re-worked in
this new
arrangement. (Premiered by Cantaturi in Austria, 11.12.10. UK premiere
by Crowle Singers, 04.12.15) |
deines Friedens / Make me a Channel of Your Peace (Soprano
solo, piano & optional
new setting of the prayer of St. Francis, written in German originally
in February 2014 as a Valentine's gift for my
lovely wife,
Justine, and sung by her at a mass in Maria Alm, Austria shortly

komm, du Morgenstern /
Come, Come, Morning Star (November 2013), for Advent 
Written for and first performed at a Rorate mass at
6am on
cold Advent morning. The opening figure in the piano accompaniment is
the star
shining in Bethlehem. (Premiere
21.12.13) (for piano, STB) |

Maria in B flat in German and English (STB
with piano & optional flute)
A flowing, melodious
setting of the annunciation. Composed for
an Advent "Rorate" mass at 6am, and premiered at the mass on 21.12.13.

G (Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe) (in
German, for women's
voices) (SAA) 
The "Frauenchor" in Maria Alm is a ladies' choir of
This is the first piece that I have written for them, but surely won't
be the last! |

121 I will lift up mine eyes 
A lilting setting of this psalm, written for a composition competition
in June 2017, revised 2018 |

deinem Tisch sind wir geladen / Gabenbereitung (offertory hymn for
SATB choir, June 2016) 
Written for the Consort in Saalfelden. |

Tango, An Ode to
Grumpy Old Men
For solo voice & piano.
Written for the 80th birthday of my Dad. A humourous view through
rose-tinted spectacles of how things used to be. A video can be
seen here.
the Bells Ring Out
An Anthem for SATB choir and organ, especially suitable for services
for the dedication / rededication of church bells.
Heavenly King (Christmas Carol)
A New Christmas carol for SATB choir and piano, a bit Rutter-esque in
style). Simple and catchy. Video of an earlier version in rehearsal.

A new setting of the Advent Antiphons (in English) for SATB choir and
organ. Commissioned by the Ross Penyard Singers in 2022
A setting of a poem by Wilfred Wilson Gibson, commisioned Hereford
Chamber Choir in 2023. Performed at Ledbury Poetry Festival 2023, Hay
Festival 2024, and 3 Choirs Festival 2024.
A setting of a poem by Wilfred Wilson Gibson, commisioned Hereford
Chamber Choir in 2023. Performed at Ledbury Poetry Festival 2023, Hay
Festival 2024, and 3 Choirs Festival 2024. |
A setting of a poem by Tim Keyes, commissioned by Ledbury Choral Society for a concert as part of Ledbury Poetry Festival 2024. |

The One and the Many
For Baritone solo and Piano
Commisioned in 2024 as a 70th birthday present to Tim Keyes, a setting of a poem by his father, E Keyes
nos", words set to an arrangement of Chopin prelude April 2014
/ vocal ("rhythmical")
NB. If buying a set for a choir, please contact me for a price.
Tipp: Wenn Sie Chorsätze kaufen möchten, bitte kontaktieren Sie mich
Small Mass for
"rhythmical choir" for
SATB choir & piano with optional flutes & guitar
This mass setting was written for the village choir
Alm, Austria, specially to cater for the needs of the choir. Some of
the men in particular cannot read music, so the settings had to be
simple, and easy to remember. The mass was premiered on
08.10.11 and consists of:
Kyrie (2011)
in D (5 part SSATB, June 2011)) (Video "Kyrie
in D")
in B minor (SATB & optional 2 flutes,2011, re-arranged 2015)
(listed in above section too) (Video
in B minor old version) https://youtu.be/Vd5dpR-hiVQ;t=3m10s2.0VVV9
Gloria in D
(SATB plus piano, 2 flutes, June 2011) (VideVVVo
"Gloria in D" (old version)
Gabenbereitung / Offertory
(SATB, optional piano/guitar & 2 flutes, "Große Liebe, Große Gnade"
/ "God's great love & God's great mercy") (Video
(Heilig) in
D (SATB plus piano/guitar, 2
flutes, June 2011) 
Dei (Lamb of God) (SATB plus piano
& 2 optional flutes, June 2011) (Video
"Lamb of God")
(As a blessing at the end of the mass, see below for various
possiblilities |
Choral / vocal
"modern / rhythmical"
segne dich
/ May God pour out His blessing
(Blessing, in German for SATB & piano, June 2014)  ( Video "Gott
segne dich")
"Gott sei mit
seinem Segen täglich auf deinen Wegen".
for the birthday of Maria Rinnerthaler, a
lovely lady who organises the village church choir in Maria Alm,
Austria. This piece exists in several formats (2 part, 3 part, and
SATB). Only the 2 part arrangement has been sung in Maria Alm (as in
the mp3 sample), though
this link is to the pdf of the SATB arrangement. The text is in both
German and English in the score.
Lord's Prayer (SATB, piano & optional 2 flutes, October
2013), (Premiere 02/02/14) 
easy to learn piece for the village choir in Maria Alm, Austria, with
the simlar feel to it as the sanctus (above), and again for SATB choir,
piano, and 2 flutes (optional). It builds up to a powerful climax,
before returning to a peaceful close. (Video
"Lord's Prayer")
Praise (SATB, solo soprano, piano & optional flute, May
setting of Psalm 96, written
to try and have a change from "O Happy Day" which everyone seems to
want! Needs a strong soloist who can get up to a held top A. Plenty
of energy in this song. Bass guitar & drums might add a little
something too, depending on the venue/occasion.This piece has yet to
have its first airing (as far as I know) - you could give it its
(SATB, piano & optional 2 flutes, February 2014)
Written for, and first performed at the confirmation
service in
Maria Alm, Austria in 2014. Again, written to suit the capabilities of
the village choir. (Video
"Betet an")
/ Holy /
Sanctus in F (SATB, piano
& optional 2 flutes) with text both in
English and German
A flowing, modern setting of the sanctus for SATB, piano,
and 2
flutes, with very limited learning required on the part of the singers.
Can be shortened by missing out the instrumental section. (Written for the
wedding of Hans
Jürgen & Katharina and premiered at their wedding in June
2013 in Maria Alm church).
(SATB, piano & optional 2 flutes, February 2014) 
Written for, and first performed at the confirmation
service in
Maria Alm, Austria in 2014. Again, written to suit the capabilities of
the village choir. (Video
"Betet an")
Geist (SATB & piano, May 2014) 
A short, meditative piece, in a Taizé style, written for a
confirmation service in Maria Alm, Austria.
Praise (SATB, solo soprano, piano & optional flute, May
setting of Psalm 96, written
to try and have a change from "O Happy Day" which everyone seems to
want! Needs a strong soloist who can get up to a held top A. Plenty
of energy in this song. Bass guitar & drums might add a little
something too, depending on the venue/occasion.This piece has yet to
have its first airing (as far as I know) - you could give it its
2014 (in
A) (Sept 2014) 
for SATB, piano & 2 flutes
in E 2015 (SATB, piano & optional flute, February 2015) 
A celebratory, rhythmical setting of the gloria. This one
to keep the village choir on its toes. Just when you think everything
is stable, the time signature changes. The piece has been updated
slightly since
the mp3 recording. First performance at the wedding of Stefan Strasser
to Magdalena Rinnerthaler, and dedicated to them. (Video
"Gloria in E 2015")
wenn du
uns segnest, or Lord,
gentle blessing draws us close to you (Blessing, SATB &
piano, October 2015) 
A calming,
flowing setting of a blessing text suitable for the end of a service,
which can be sung unaccompanied or with the optional piano part.
Written for a pilgrimage of teachers in Maria Kirchental and first
performed the evening beforehand in Hinterthal on 18/10/15 with the
"final" version printed just in time for the rehearsal before the
service with some slick pencil work to make the necessary changes.
Dedicated to Raphael and Jessica Rinnerthaler, (Video
"Gott, wenn du uns segnest)
to the Lord a New Song (SATB, piano & optional 2 flutes,
September 2016) 
A rhythmical setting of Psalm 96 "Sing to the Lord" with a swing feel
suitable for a gospel-type choir.
Deo, (January 2017) a rhythmical setting for SATB gospel choir,
piano, and 2
flutes (optional)
eleison (2016) (Oct 2017) an arrangement for SATB of a song
originally for children's choir
Calypso (Oct 2017) an arrangement for SATB of a song originally for
children's choir Video
of children's choir version